Going to the Top Leadership Series
August 1-2, 2007
Toyota, Los Angeles, CA
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October 16-17, 2007
Dallas, TX
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November 13-14, 2007
Houston, TX
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Eager to rise is the next generation of top executives—thousands of women in the middle ranks of management. Dr. Gallagher’s ground breaking research reveals that talent and commitment are simply not enough to ensure these contenders the prized corner offices of CEO, chairman or president—it requires considerably more.
To help women ascend, EWA offers the Going to the Top Series—inspiring, insightful workshops for women on their way up. These workshops enable women in mid-level management to map upward-bound career strategies with guidance from a community of proven business leaders.
Here, top executive women who have forged their own paths and made it to the highest corporate levels share the lessons they've learned en route to their success. Through a "coaching circle" of peers and senior executives, tomorrow's leaders identify the steps they must take to achieve their ultimate goals.
Going to the Top Course Description
Course Agenda:
Read Going to the Top, the book that inspired the series.